A Walk In The Park....
It just wouldn't be the same without being greeted by the saucy Water-monkies in their chic hats.
Sexy summer garb donning all the beautiful people, appreciating being alive, the joys of the simplicities when automobile parking is a breeze :-)
Being served pleasure in service to the greatest becoming... madame sunset glaring through sunglasses making known the end of the day where our perspectives are demanded to shift.
Fruits of the sea spread in ritz cracker irresistibility... a delicacy to all and nobody could ever disagree!!
Dusk falls upon the convergence of the Salmon and Cocheco in shades of orange and purple. Life is alive on the waterfront.
Ruthie Foster beckons as a detour from the perennial gardens that the beloved knows are some the beauties of the earth.
Strawberry Banke met Madame Gundalow this evening as a reminder of life's past and simpler ways of life... while the USS Miami screams from across the water telling us how far we've come... and how far we still need to go. A soft whisper in the ear... "Balance", says Prescott P., revealing her sexy curves so very graciously,
at every step...
the brush-by of a new body...
the freshness of intrigue...
two left feet...
taking it all in...
the great mystery...
anything is possible!...
Do palms only meet upon contractual agreement?
Pinch me?...
Oh, wait just a minute...
The formal garden demands full attention with her choreography of water and colored light dancing with the birds in the pond.
Wisdom of ancient trees downloading valuable messages while God delivers an invitation to live your best life...
Love is all it is. Love is all you are.
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