Relationship as Spiritual Practice
Modern-day relationships are challenging and
full of opportunities for increased personal awareness and growth. As our
society enters a time of transition from the ego and the thinking mind to
body/heart connection and personal enlightenment, we are experiencing and
experimenting with different ways of being with our and each other's pain. "Being"
with our (and the other's) discomfort/pain can bring up all kinds of conflict,
such as defensiveness, blaming, and even shaming the other for how we are
feeling instead of owning our own experience.
A deep, loving and intimate relationship brings
up, as a matter of course, all of our love wounds from the past. There is no
surprise when some of us who claim to be "spiritual" use our sense of
spirituality to try to remain above the pain and discomfort that these deep
relationships bring up, so we don't have to deal with the relational woundings
of our past. When these woundings of the past are not dealt with directly,
however, they have a tendency to show up as "shadow" and we continue
to behave and act in our old protective states to keep us from re-experiencing
the pain.
Relationships will never evolve without dealing
with these wounds, and there is nothing more perfect to heal those wounds than being
in a loving relationship. It is important to realize these woundings are
relational in nature and that the only way to be free of them is to feel them
completely and have a full-on conscious experience.
When your partner behaves in a way that
expresses anger or disappointment or even any kind of unconscious behavior, I
would invite you to take a look at how you may be receiving this information. Can
you relinquish the desire to "fix-it", let go of any
perception/judgment you may have about their experience, not get defensive, and
simply receive the information knowing your partner is showing you a place
where they have been hurt?
People are either loving us fully or showing us
where they have been hurt.
The only way to gain access to the bountiful
fruit that an intimate relationship can bear, is to get rid of our conditioned
defensive patterns. By staying in old patterns of defensiveness, we limit
the depth of intimacy that can be experienced in our relationships. As our
protective ego lets go of our defensive nature in the face of wanting to love
well, we can experience the desire of raw human connection and intimacy.

What does it take to have a relationship as
spiritual practice? All it asks is for you to become involved in some sort of
engagement with people, whether at work, in a support group, with a friend or in
a love relationship. Be aware when you feel the need to argue or take
hold of a position of being "right". It is at that moment you
are operating from ego, from a sense of small self and letting go of the
relationship. You need to have a default position but that position can't
be blocking you off from other, even higher and more expansive possibilities.
You can only be what you are willing to become.
You can only become if you are willing to shift positions and perspectives --
to be able to hold a position and be able to give up that position in order to
be open to possibility. You cannot hold a firm position of being right and at
the same time find a spiritual path to connection and intimacy in relationship.
In conclusion, the path to loving well
necessitates dropping all of our egoic, self-centered agendas, old stories, and
fears, so that we may see the other with "fresh eyes" and see
"the raw, perfectly imperfect other, the sacred other,” just as he or she
is. It is only then, when we embrace everything that stands between us,
that we can enter the realness of our relationship and the realm of
unimaginable possibilities.
NO. You might leave me (or choose to stay!) Why have intimacy?